Many times you can become a victim but are unaware of it until you get your credit card statement with a charge that you do not recognize, you have money withdrawn from your bank account, or you go to apply for a loan, get denied and find out is because of something negative on your credit report. And of course, how about the many identity theft horror stories you have heard.
It was therefore, a great move by Congress in 1998 to pass the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act. This act makes identity theft a new Federal offense. This good piece of legislation “prohibits knowingly transfer[ring] or us[ing], without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law.”
With this new legislature and other existing laws, the Department of Justice was able to prosecute cases of identity theft and fraud under a variety of Federal statutes.
However, despite added teeth to law enforces, identity theft and fraud still continue to occur. Will you wait until your identify is stolen?
LifeLock – an identity theft prevention specialist established in Tempe, Arizona – is currently an industry leader committed to stopping this cyber crime dead in its tracks, even before data thieves and pirates can gain access to your personal information.
When you sign up for LifeLock® services you get five points of protections which include:
- They monitor your identity
- They scan for identity threats
- They respond to identity threat
- They guarantee their services
- They will track your credit score
They are more than a credit monitoring service and will also help to protect your personal information. They do this with a combination of outstanding member services and data surveillance techniques. LifeLock offers these services twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
After completing your enrollment you will receive a welcome email detailing all of your member benefits. You will also be directed to your own online member portal so you can finish your profile. You will also at this time provide the rest of the important information that is use for monitoring your identity.
When you sign up for LifeLock® services you have a choice of four different programs to choose from.
- LifeLock™ Basic
- LifeLock Command Center™
- LifeLock Ultimate™
- LifeLock Credit Score Management™
LifeLock® Protection Services
- Notification of non-credit and credit threats
- Removal from pre-approved credit offers
- Access to alerts and member portal dashboards
- Monitoring of known criminal websites where your personal information may be traded illegally
- National databases are scanned for new address information
- Live phone support any time of the day or week
- Lost or stolen wallet remediation services which will help to replace or cancel debit and credit cards
- Direct access to fraud resolution teams
- Resolution teams work directly with service providers and lenders
- Having access to a dedicated remediation specialist
- Service guarantee*
- Referrals for additional services such as legal